Using super
Whenever a subclass needs to refer to its immediate superclass, it can do so by use of the keyword super.
Using super to Call Superclass Constructors:
A subclass can call a constructor method defined by its superclass by use of the following form of super:
Here, parameter-list specifies any parameters needed by the constructor in the superclass. super( ) must always be the first statement executed inside a subclass’ constructor. We can overload super() as other methods and constructors are overloaded. When a subclass calls super( ), it is calling the constructor of its immediate superclass. Thus, super( ) always refers to the superclass immediately above the calling class. This is true even in a multileveled hierarchy. Also, super( ) must always be the first statement executed inside a subclass constructor.
NOTE: In error situation ―Wheels‖ and ―Name‖ is private to class Vehicle so they can’t be accessed by any code outside the Vehicle class so for the solution there must be a public method to give access to its members it can be a constructor. So super is used in solution which calls the Vehicle class constructor to initialise its members.
super acts somewhat like this, except that it always refers to the superclass of the subclass in which it is used.
member can be either a method or an instance variable.
For the example u can see instance variable hiding concept in this keyword example.
class Vehicle
int Wheels;
String color;
class Car extends Vehicle
String carName;
class VehicleTest
public static void main(String args[])
Vehicle myVehicle = new Vehicle(); //Reference of superclass
Car myCar = new Car(); //Reference of subclass
myCar.carName = "Honda"; //Sub class member
myCar.color = "Green"; //Super class member
myCar.Wheels = 4; //Super class member
myVehicle = myCar; //reference of subclass assigned to
// reference variable of super
myVehicle.color = "Red"; //Correct
myVehicle.carName = "Mistubishi"; //Generates an error
For the example u can see instance variable hiding concept in this keyword example.
A Superclass Variable Can Reference a Subclass Object
A reference variable of a superclass can be assigned a reference to any subclass derived from that superclass. When a reference to a subclass object is assigned to a superclass reference variable, you will have access only to those parts of the object defined by the super class.Example:
int Wheels;
String color;
class Car extends Vehicle
String carName;
class VehicleTest
public static void main(String args[])
Vehicle myVehicle = new Vehicle(); //Reference of superclass
Car myCar = new Car(); //Reference of subclass
myCar.carName = "Honda"; //Sub class member
myCar.color = "Green"; //Super class member
myCar.Wheels = 4; //Super class member
myVehicle = myCar; //reference of subclass assigned to
// reference variable of super
myVehicle.color = "Red"; //Correct
myVehicle.carName = "Mistubishi"; //Generates an error
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